Hot Cacao Bar

Hot Cacao TruffleHot Cacao French VanillaHot cacao White ChocolateChocolate DrinkChocolate Drink Organic

Create “hygge” with a cocoa bar

Winter is the time for hot drinks, and nothing beats a fragrant cup of hot cocoa with lots of whipped cream and lots of imaginative and colorful toppings. It looks great and appeals to both big and small cocoa lovers.

With us, we have created two fantastic approaches to the ultimate cocoa experience: DIY, where you can mix your own hot cocoa variant and add your favorite toppings, or the ready-made variant, where your guests can easily and quickly pour from a thermos or pot.

Whether it’s for your own private winter party, or whether you want to create an extra festive feature in the canteen, in your café or restaurant, a cocoa bar is a sure winner. Pamper your guests and create some coziness on a bitterly cold winter’s day and watch the magic spread.

A cocoa bar can also be moved outside… and should you be lucky enough to live in a place where there is snow, just let the white fluff add to the magic.

Forbered kakao bar

It might be a good idea to write what is in the different glasses. Vi har brugt mailla markers. manila marks in 3 x 6 cm to write on. Manila labels can be found either at the bookshop or where you buy cardboard mugs and other packaging.

Ingredients and equipment:

  • Cocoa powder:Here we have used Hot Cacao Truffle
  • Hot Water: Use a thermos or put an electric kettle in front of the guests so they can boil the water themselves.
  • Whipped cream: Bowl or can, choose your preferred solution.
  • Toppings: Marshmallows, mini-marshmallows, chocolate buttons, candy canes, waffle rolls, crushed candy canes as sprinkles, toffee pieces, freeze-dried raspberries, cinnamon sticks, etc.
  • Mugs and spoons: Provide enough mugs and chopsticks for the guests, as well as napkins.


  1. Put cups, spoons and napkins out for easy access.
  2. Place cocoa powder and warm water or milk next to each other, use an electric kettle so that people can boil water themselves as needed.
  3. Organize accessories and toppings in small and large glasses, use small name tags to tell what is in the jars.


  1. Guests choose their favorite cocoa variety
  2. Add warm water or milk and stir
  3. Top with delicious toppings and enjoy!
Hot Chocolate bar 2

Use cocoa powder and let people mix themselves or make a pot or thermos with ready-mixed cocoa.

Ready-mixed hot cocoa


  1. Make a large batch of hot cocoa and pour into a thermos or serve it in a pot set on a heater. Of course, you choose which kind of cocoa powder you want to use.

    For 1 liter of cocoa we have used:

    230 g Hot Cacao Truffle powder (5 scoops)
    · 800 ml. hot water
    · 200 ml. warm milk
    (if you want to make a vegan cocoa, use plant-based milk and leave out water).
  2. Mix cocoa powder and warm water and milk in a saucepan or in a jug. Use a whisk or a stick bender to whisk the powder well into the liquid.
  3. Make sure the cocoa is hot and heat the thermos with hot water before pouring the cocoa into the thermos. In this way, you ensure the perfect serving temperature.


  1. Place the thermos centrally for easy access to guests or customers.
  2. Offer a selection of mugs, stir sticks or spoons as well as napkins.

The advantages:

  • Fast and convenient: Guests or customers can serve themselves quickly and easily.
  • Consistency: Ensures that every cup has the same delicious taste.

Whether you prefer DIY or pre-mixed, the key to a successful cocoa bar is to offer variety and quality.

Enjoy 🙂